
Warning Signs

A person with dyslexia will not have every single warning sign. But if three or more of the following warning signs are present, don’t wait.


preschool whole-class-participation.jpg
  • Delayed Speech

  • Chronic ear infections

  • Mixes up syllables in words (bisghetti for spaghetti, aminal for animal, flutterby for butterfly)

  • Constantly confusing left versus right

  • Late establishing a dominant hand

  • Difficulty learning to tie shoes

  • Difficulty memorizing their address, phone number, or the alphabet

  • Has a close relative who has these warning signs


  • Dysgraphia (poor handwriting)

  • Letter/number reversals continuing past the end of 1st grade

  • Difficulty learning sight words

  • Slow, choppy, inaccurate reading

  • Terrible spelling

  • Trouble with memorizing math facts or multiplication tables

  • Extreme difficulty learning cursive

  • “Homework wars” – child cannot do homework independently or in a reasonable amount of time


High School:

(all of the above plus)

  • Extremely poor written expression

  • Unable to master a foreign language

  • Difficulty reading printed music

  • Poor grades in many classes

  • May drop out of high school